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Classis Western Canada

Each URCNA Classis has a page on the URCNA website which may include Classis news, Reports, etc. and can be viewed by selecting the appropriate link under the "Classes" selection above. Each Classis page is maintained by the Clerk of that Classis, who should be contacted to request updates, changes, or further information.

Stated Clerk: Rev. Kelvin Tiemstra

Churches of Classis:

Immanuel Covenant Reformed Church in Abbotsford (Rev. Aaron van der Heiden) abbotsfordurc.org 

Bethel United Reformed Church in Calgary (Rev. Keith Davis) bethelurc.com

Cornerstone United Reformed Church of Edmonton (Rev. Bill Pols) cornerstoneurcedmonton.com

Covenant Reformed Church in Grande Prairie (Rev. Keith Giles) grandeprairieurc.org

Grace Reformed Church in Kelowna (Rev. James Roosma) gracereformedkelowna.com

Redeemer United Reformed Church in Lacombe (Rev. Robert Van der Woerd) redeemer-urc.org

Grace Reformed Church of Leduc (Rev. Tad Groenendyk) graceleduc.org

Trinity Reformed Church in Lethbridge (Rev. John van Eyk) trinityurc.ca

Emmanuel Reformed Church in Neerlandia (Rev. Matthew Van der Woerd) emmanuelurc.org

New Westminster United Reformed Church (Rev. Gary Zekveld) newwesturc.ca

Parkland United Reformed Church in Ponoka (Rev. James Folkerts) parklandurc.org

Redeemer Reformation Church in Regina (Rev. Brian Cochran) redeemerchurch.ca

Covenant United Reformed Church in Saskatoon (vacant) covenanturc.ca 

Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers (Rev. Simon Lievaart) bethelsmithers.ca

Surrey Covenant Reformed Church (Rev. Jason Vander Horst) surreycovenantreformed.com

Taber United Reformed Church (Rev. Barry Beukema) taberurc.com 

Faith Reformed Church of Telkwa (Rev. Kelvin Tiemstra) telkwafaithurc.com

United Reformed Church of Thunder Bay (Rev. John Ysinga) thunderbayurc.com

Providence Reformed Church of Winnipeg (Rev. Rich Anjema) providencereformed.net

Report of the Meeting of Classis Western Canada, June 27, 2024

Less than one week after the meeting of Synod Escondido adjourned, Classis Western Canada met via Zoom. The impetus for this meeting was a request from one of our consistories regarding provision for their minister, as Redemption Reformed Church in Chilliwack had previously decided to dissolve, thereby leaving Rev. Charles Van Hoffen in need of a church to hold his credentials. The relevant article in the Church Order that speaks to this situation is Article 10. Chilliwack’s last worship services were held on June 16, 2024.
The church in Abbotsford (Immanuel Covenant) was found willing to function in this role for Rev. Van Hoffen, for which all involved are grateful. Rev. Van Hoffen will initially be filling local pulpits, but will soon be made available for call in our churches. Warm words were shared between the classical delegates and the minister, and prayer was offered up for the Van Hoffens, for Abbotsford, and for the remaining members of Chilliwack as they join with other churches.
Warm words were also spoken to Rev. Brian Cochran, who served as chairman for the evening, and Rev. Jason Vander Horst, the stated clerk of classis. Both ministers are leaving the classis as a consequence of accepting calls elsewhere within the URCNA (Torrance, CA and Bellingham, WA, respectively). They were commended for their faithful and valuable contributions over the years. Both ministers responded with reflective comments and gratitude.
A new stated clerk was needed, and so it was with joy (and some relief) that Rev. Kelvin Tiemstra was nominated, found willing, and elected by acclamation to this position. May God strengthen him for the task of faithfully recording the minutes of the meeting, as well as the various other tasks a clerk inevitably performs. Rev. Keith Giles was found willing to serve as alternate clerk.
The next classis meeting was scheduled for Oct 22-24, 2024 in Taber, AB. We began the meeting singing “The Lord will provide” (#246 in the TPH) and we ended the meeting with the reminder that God is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that
is at work within us.” Amen! “To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and
ever!” (Eph 3:20-21)

Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Jason Vander Horst, Clerk, Classis Western Canada, URCNA

Report of the Meeting of Classis Western Canada, Sept 12-13, 2023

“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood” (Acts 20:28). This verse was read by one of our delegates at a time of devotion and speaks to the weight and purpose of our meeting as classis. Although distinct churches, we voluntarily display our unity by means of a common confession and church order; this meeting was a practical expression of what this looks like for the URC churches in Classis Western Canada. With joy we took up our work in Smithers, BC over the course of two days. The Bethel Reformed Church of Smithers is to be commended for their warm and eager hospitality.

We made the trek to the Bulkley Valley at the request of the neighbouring church in Telkwa, who put forward Mr. Matthew Van der Woerd as a candidate for ministry. The brother acquitted himself well throughout all eight areas under examination, and consequently we rejoiced with him in his sustaining of the exam. Truly, we believe the Lord sustained him, and we hope and pray that the Lord will sustain him throughout a lifetime of faithful gospel ministry. It is our prayer that he will pay careful attention to himself and his future flock, caring for the church of God.

That this ought to be the goal for each of the delegates was brought out in the aforementioned devotion from Acts 20. The speaker emphasized the great blessing that elders are to the work of ministry in our churches, and this too was on display at our meeting. Throughout the meeting, elders offered valuable contributions from the floor, including during difficult discussions relating to the several requests for advice. Four of our member churches sent two elder delegates. Despite being vacant for four years, one of these churches has even led the way for a new congregation to be organized as a particular church within our federation (see Art. 22 of the Church Order). This was the case for the Parkland United Reformed Church in Ponoka; they have overseen the development of Covenant Reformed Church in Saskatoon, SK, who we are pleased to welcome as the newest and the 20th church in our classis.

In addition to dealing with overtures from needy churches and the various requests for advice, we also heard a number of reports from: Reformed Perspective; Mr. Aaron Shupe; the Summit Reformed Conferences; our church plant in Armstrong, BC: and Rev. James Folkerts.

We also were privileged to hear a warm address from Rev. Alkema, pastor of the Canadian Reformed Church in Smithers. His fraternal greeting reminded us of the unity that we already have with one another, regardless of any future developments. Connected with this, we adopted a motion to have our next classis meeting concurrently with one of the Canadian Reformed classes in BC. Lord willing, this will occur and be beneficial for all involved.

“And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified” (Acts 20:32). The devotion from Acts 20 ended with this encouraging verse, and we trust that God will work his grace in the churches of our classis and federation. He is the one who builds us up and assures us of our inheritance in Christ, by his Spirit.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Jason Vander Horst, Clerk, Classis Western Canada, URCNA


Report of the Meeting of Classis Western Canada, April 18-19, 2023

Redeemer Reformation Church in Regina convened this meeting of our classis, which was once again capably hosted by the Bethel United Reformed Church in Calgary. We are thankful that some of our more central churches are able to host the majority of the classis meetings, given how geographically spread out we are. 

Prior to eating lunch on Tuesday, our devotion came from Psalm 103; this passage is appropriate given the main item that dominated our proceedings. Verse 6 says, “The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed”, and before the body was an appeal from an individual member alleging serious neglect over a long period of time on the part of their consistory, the consequences of which have been and continue to be distressing. In adjudicating the appeal, Classis sustained 7 of the 8 specified errors. In disposing of the appeal, a number of directives were given to the consistory.
These were difficult matters to consider and difficult decisions to make. As delegates, we were thankful for the humble spirit of the delegates from the consistory in question, and so we are hopeful for the future. “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.” We trust that the Lord was in the deliberations and decisions of this classis meeting, and that he will use the outcomes for his glory and his church’s good. 

There were other matters taken up as well. An early highlight of our meeting was the strong showing by Rev. Charles Van Hoffen in the remainder of his colloquium doctum. This allowed us to joyfully declare him a minister of the Word and sacraments among the URCNA, thus paving the way for his official installation as pastor of Redemption Reformed Church in Chilliwack. Classical functionaries were appointed, reports were received from various sources, and fraternal greetings were brought by a brother from Classis Alberta of the Canadian Reformed Churches. We heard presentations from Word & Deed and Reformed Mission Services. The consistory of Parkland URC of Ponoka informed us of a new church plant they are overseeing in Saskatoon. Three overtures were dealt with and seven requests for advice were responded to appropriately.

The meeting ended just in time for dinner on Wednesday, and our closing devotion was well-chosen by one of our elders. We sang “Holy, Holy, Holy” and heard a reading of Isaiah 6:1-7. In this passage, the holiness of God is on display, prompting the angels to sing their threefold “Holy”. Isaiah responds, “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips.” And yet all is not lost, for an angel takes a burning coal from the altar and touches Isaiah’s mouth, saying: “Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.” Praise our holy God for the grace and mercy he has shown to us all in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom is atonement full and free!

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Jason Vander Horst, Clerk, Classis Western Canada, URCNA


Report of the Meeting of Classis Western Canada, July 29, 2022

In a rare occurrence for Classis Western Canada, a meeting was held in the middle of the summer. This special classis was called in order to deal with some pressing disciplinary concerns among the churches; in God’s providence, it also allowed us to conduct a colloquium doctum for the Rev. Charles Van Hoffen, called to be the minister of Redemption Reformed Church, the new church in Chilliwack. Despite the unusual timing, a good portion of our churches were able to turn out two delegates.

The day began with a wonderful worship service led by Rev. Van Hoffen. He brought the Word from Joshua 1:1-9 in a message centered on the theme of God’s calling on our lives. He exhorted us to listen to God’s call, encouraged us with the promise of God’s presence to equip us in our calling, and ended by reminding us of the need to know and follow God’s Law as part of our callings. Another warm and encouraging part of our morning was the fraternal address by Rev. Ken Wieske, minister of the St. Albert Canadian Reformed Church. The rest of the morning and early afternoon was taken up with the colloquium. Our brother acquitted himself well in 4 of the 5 areas. Lord willing, we will be able to complete the colloquium at our next classis meeting.

This was our fourth meeting in 10 months, but you wouldn’t know it based on the 11 requests for advice brought forward by the churches. Four of the requests involved asking for concurring advice to move to the second public announcement for church discipline of professing members who have broken the covenant bond made with the Lord and his people. The other seven requests sought concurring advice to move to the exclusion of either professing members or mature baptized members. Each of these situations was prayed over, and we were impacted by the weightiness of the sin and brokenness that thrives in the world and lives in the church.

Parkland United Reformed Church in Ponoka is to be commended for their glad and able hospitality. Also to be commended is the Rev. John van Eyk, who once again led us as chairman after taking one meeting off. He closed the meeting by reading from Eph 6:10-20, reminding us of the spiritual battle we face, as well as our Spiritual resources in Christ. After prayer and a closing hymn, we departed to continue pursuing the callings to which God has called us.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Jason Vander Horst

Clerk, Classis Western Canada, URCNA


Report of the Meeting of Classis Western Canada, Mar 8, 2022

On a beautifully mild day, the delegates of Classis Western Canada converged in Surrey, BC at the facilities of Surrey Covenant Reformed Church. With the church in New Westminster leading the way, the two churches co-hosted this one day classis meeting.

The main item on our agenda was an overture from Surrey to admit a new church into our federation – namely, Redemption Reformed Church in Chilliwack. This body of ~50-60 members broke away from the Christian Reformed Church in Chilliwack in order to continue worshipping and living in faithfulness to their convictions as to what the Bible teaches on various matters. After spending some of the morning and early afternoon in conversation with them to clarify their positions and intentions, we were delighted to vote unanimously in favour of admitting them as a member church into the URCNA. This is a decision that will need to be ratified at our next Synod.

In addition to this matter, we took up two other overtures, received a number of reports from classical functionaries and missionaries, and deliberated on twelve requests for advice. Of special note is the request from Trinity Reformed Church of Lethbridge to organize a daughter church in Taber, AB as a particular congregation. Classis gave concurring advice, and so our classis continues to grow.

The meeting was calmly and capably led by the Rev. Gary Zekveld. Kudos to all those who helped make the day run smoothly and successfully, whether accompanying the singing, monitoring the microphones, or providing nourishment.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Jason Vander Horst

Clerk, Classis Western Canada, URCNA


Report of the Meeting of Classis Western Canada, Nov 17, 2021

Despite having met recently in October, the delegates of our classis were happy to meet again on this day. The reason for our cheer was because the church in Grande Prairie had extended a call to Rev. Keith Giles, the minister of a small independent Baptist church in Northern Ireland, and he accepted. This was contingent upon him successfully undergoing a colloquium doctum. We began the day with Rev. Giles leading us in worship, bringing an edifying word from Galatians 3:1-14. We then proceeded to have a theological conversation with him in the areas of practica, church polity, confessional knowledge, Reformed doctrine, and ethics. It was especially encouraging to hear of Rev. Giles journey from holding a Baptist theology of the sacrament to a place where he now believes with firm conviction that the children of believers ought to be baptized as well. With joy, we affirmed this call and paved the way for Rev. Giles to take up his ministerial calling in Grande Prairie.

We discussed a few other matters as well. We gave concurring advice to two requests on moving ahead in the formal disciplinary process and prayed for the souls of the brothers in question. One church came back with a second request for advice on the pastoral application of the Church Order, the Confessions, and the Scriptures in the current political environment. We determined that we could not give them the full answers they were looking for. However, we did offer guidance in the form of a public statement adopted by way of an overture from one of our churches. This statement can be found on the second page of this press release and represents the prevailing sentiments of our body on questions we all are facing in this time of COVID.

The Cornerstone United Reformed Church in Edmonton is to be commended for their capable and warm hospitality. Also to be commended is the Rev. John van Eyk, who ably led us for the third time in as many classis meetings.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Jason Vander Horst

Clerk, Classis Western Canada, URCNA


Public Statement of Classis Western Canada on a Pastoral Approach to COVID Questions

1. We acknowledge the following:

• Our churches are dealing with complex challenges during the COVID pandemic as it relates to the application of biblical principles to our worship, our fellowship, and our relationship with the governing authorities.

• Our consistories, councils and church members have struggled to maintain uniformity of conviction in response to the relevant issues. (Examples of issues include: government mask mandates, number restrictions for in-person meetings, and restrictions on singing.)

• This lack of uniformity need not lead to a lack of unity, for multiple convictions may be legitimate according to the Bible.

2. We encourage councils and consistories and church members not to confuse the application of biblical principle with the principle itself. An example of a biblical principle is submission to governing authorities. An application of that principle may be either adhering to or resisting Provincial Health Orders in a time of pandemic.

3. We affirm the need to beware of binding the consciences of others on matters not clearly determined by Scripture (Romans 14).

4. We affirm the need for pastoral care, sensitivity, and charity in this challenging and complex time.

5. We exhort all consistories, councils, and church members alike to make every effort to love and serve one another as our Lord Jesus Christ commands (I John 4:7-8).

6. Finally, we exhort all consistories, councils, and church members alike to prayer:

• Let us pray that these issues may no longer divide us, but that instead we may stand united together in our common faith as God’s Word instructs us

• Let us pray for a renewal and increase in godliness in our land

• Let us pray for an end to this global pandemic

• Let us pray that we might learn the important lessons that God is teaching us during these trying trials and that we might be sanctified more and more by God’s Holy Spirit

• May we all be led by the Spirit into a spirit of kindness, thankfulness, and perseverance



Report of the Meeting of Classis Western Canada, Oct 5-6, 2021

On a beautifully brisk morning in Barrhead, our chairman pro tem read from Matt 16:13-20 to kick-start our meeting. Elder Kevin Tiemstra exhorted us to press on in our one faith rooted in Christ Jesus. We then sang “Jesus, with Thy Church Abide”, and this twofold theme of love for the church of Christ and the unity of the church pervaded our proceedings, as evidenced by other songs sung and texts read in our devotional times.

Out of love for those who have professed Christ but are straying, classis gave concurring advice to a number of churches to move forward in the disciplinary process. This is in keeping with the purpose of discipline as outlined in our Church Order: “that God may be glorified, that the sinner may be reconciled with God, the church and his neighbor, and that offense may be removed from the church of Christ.”

In the interests of protecting the unity of the church while maintaining her purity, wisdom was sought and advice given as to how local churches ought to respond to government restrictions in light of the current crisis we have been facing. It became clear that no uniform advice could be given, as differing circumstances may call for differing responses. Regardless, we affirmed the need for pastoral care, sensitivity and charity in this complex time.

Aaron van der Heiden was thoroughly examined with a view to being made eligible for call as minister of Word and sacrament in the URCNA. We are glad to report that he acquitted himself very well, and we look forward to seeing him ordained in the Lord’s timing.

There were four overtures received by classis. Three requested financial support from the Needy Church Fund, which was granted. One overture was a call to revise our classical Rules of Procedure document. After some discussion on the question of worship services at classis meetings, the overture was adopted.

It was with great joy that classis could give concurring advice to the Providence Church of Winnipeg to organize Redeemer Reformation Church in Regina into a particular congregation. This marks the next step in a long journey that God continues to richly bless.

In addition to these major matters, classis heard several reports and made several appointments to classical positions. In adjourning the meeting, plans were made for the next classis meeting to take place on November 17, 2021, convened by Lethbridge in Edmonton. The reason for another meeting so soon after this one is to do with a request for a colloquium doctum from Covenant Reformed Church in Grande Prairie.

For the second time in as many classis meetings, we were led ably by our jovial chairman, Rev. John van Eyk. Emmanuel Reformed Church warmly hosted us and provided delicious and nourishing meals.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Jason Vander Horst

Clerk, Classis Western Canada, URCNA


Report of the Meeting of Classis Western Canada, Sept 15-16, 2020

Who says meetings can’t be fun? Led by our able and jovial chairman, Rev. John van Eyk, this meeting was marked by the distinctly joyful manner in which its business was conducted. The scenic beauty of Telkwa, British Columbia encouraged us all as we met to complete a full agenda over the course of two days.

The greatest cause for joy was the result of the ordination examination for Mr. Tad Groenendyk. Mr. Groenendyk had sustained 4 areas of his exam at the previous classis meeting. This time he sustained the final section, and so the way is clear for Tad to be ordained as minister of the Word and sacraments in the Grace Reformed Church of Leduc. Praise the Lord! The delegates rejoiced with Tad and his wife, Karena.

There were difficult moments, too. The host church of Telkwa had requested a candidacy examination for Mr. Ehren Gaebler. After working our way through part of the examination, and upon the advice of the inviting consistory, a motion was adopted to cease the examination of Mr. Gaebler. While this decision resulted in much disappointment and heartache, it is our collective prayer that this will be for the benefit of Mr. Gaebler and for the Lord’s church.

Other difficult and weighty matters dealt with included the giving of concurring advice for several disciplinary actions related to the departure of members. Advice was also given for various requests of a non-disciplinary nature. Prayers for wisdom were offered throughout.

There were five overtures received by classis. Two requested support from the Needy Church Fund, which was granted. Two overtures calling for more guidelines relating to the presentation of sermons from those being examined at classis were sent back to the churches for further development. The final overture was a call to amend Article 55 of the Church Order of the URCNA. The intention of this overture is to clarify the sometimes confusing language regarding the “steps” of church discipline. This overture was adopted without dissent and will be presented to the next Synod of the URCNA.

In addition to these major matters, classis heard several reports and made several appointments to classical positions. Rev. Thomas Albaugh and Rev. Lou Slagter were granted emeritation status.

The community of Faith Reformed Church in Telkwa is to be commended for their warm hospitality and delicious meals. In adjourning the meeting, plans were made for the next classis meeting to take place in February 2020. The convening church will be Emmanuel Reformed Church of Neerlandia.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Jason Vander Horst

Clerk, Classis Western Canada, URCNA