Hand following Bible text with forefinger North America with location pins User tapping tablet computer Logo of Trumpet missions publication Synod Niagara 2022

Classis Pacific Northwest

Each URCNA Classis has a page on the URCNA website which may include Classis news, Reports, etc. and can be viewed by selecting the appropriate link under the "Classes" selection above. Each Classis page is maintained by the Clerk of that Classis, who should be contacted to request updates, changes, or further information.


The next meeting of Classis PNW is scheduled for September 10-11, 2024 at Christ Reformed Church in Nampa, ID.

Classis Pacific Northwest
Stated Clerk: Rev. Quentin Falkena  760 Annalee Dr. Central Point, OR 97502; (541) 613-7923
Classis Treasurer: Mrs. Stefanie Smith 933 Hamilton Pl. Nampa, ID 83651; (208) 407-9639


Churches in the Classis
Ripon Reformed Fellowship (Ripon, CA)
Anchor of Hope Church (Silverdale, WA)
Updated: October 2023