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Synods, Classes and Consistories

Each URCNA Classis has a page on the URCNA website which can be updated as necessary by the Stated Clerk of that Classis; this may include Classis news, Reports, etc. and can be viewed by clicking on the appropriate link under the "Classes" selection above.

"Among churches belonging to the federation, three assemblies shall be recognized: the Consistory, the classis and the synod. Classis and synod are broader assemblies that exist only when meeting by delegation. Only the Consistory is a continuing body."

[URCNA Church Order Article 16]

"... Churches ecclesiastically federated are and remain complete in themselves.  The various local Churches do not dissolve themselves into a large classical Church, or into a national, Synodical Church.  The local congregation is a complete manifestation of the body of Christ, a unit in itself, and is not to be looked upon as a sub-division of a large super-Church ruling with superior power."

[Van Dellen and Monsma, "The Church Order Commentary"]

Classes (plural of 'Classis') are temporary assemblies of federated churches within a region, meeting to seek each others' advice in matters of common interest.  Classes do not rule the churches; however, member-churches respect the decisions of their classes unless those decisions are found to contradict the Bible or the Church Order.  Synods, like classes, are periodic and temporary meetings conducted under the authority of the churches to deal with issues of importance to the churches in common; synods include all of the federated churches.  The list of classes in this section represent the various regions from which groups of URCNA churches regularly meet.