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Ministerial News (Public)

Posted 7/25/24 at 07:15 PM CST
By Escondido United Reformed Church, Rev. Christopher Gordon (760) 745-1679

The Consistory of Escondido United Reformed Church of Escondido, CA wishes to inform the federation that we have extended Mr. John Kirby’s license to exhort for another year, effective Jul 2024.

Posted 7/25/24 at 07:13 PM CST
By Escondido United Reformed Church, Rev. Christopher Gordon (760) 745-1679

The Consistory of Escondido United Reformed Church of Escondido, CA wishes to inform the federation that we have extended Mr. Drew Tilley’s license to exhort for another year, effective Jul 2024.

Posted 7/20/24 at 09:00 AM CST
By United Reformed Church of PEI, Vacant, (902) 629-1755

The Council of the United Reformed Church of Prince Edward Island wishes to inform the federation that the call extended to Rev. Daniel Hamstra was declined.  We wish Rev. Hamstra the Lord's blessing as he continues his labour of love in Trinity United Reformed Church in St. Catheranines, ON.

Posted 7/16/24 at 07:02 PM CST
By Christ Reformed Church, Anaheim, Rev. Dr. Daniel Borvan (714) 538-1057

With joy and thanksgiving to God, the Consistory of Christ Reformed Church of Anaheim, California, announces that Mr. John Li was examined for licensure in accordance with the Guidelines in Appendix 2 of Church Order, and sustained the exam on July 15, 2024. He has been granted a license to exhort for one year.

On behalf of the Consistory,
Steven Ornee
Vice Clerk of Council

Posted 7/16/24 at 09:40 AM CST
By Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, Vacant, (905) 574 5527

The Council of the Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, ON, wishes to inform the federation that Rev. Rich Anjema has declined our call to serve as our Minister of Preaching and Teaching.  We wish Rev. Anjema the Lord's blessing as he continues his ministry at Providence Reformed Church in Winnipeg and pray for His guidance as we continue to our search.

Posted 7/10/24 at 10:49 PM CST
By Christ Reformed Church Sioux Falls, Rev. Benjamin Davenport (605) 330-0271

Brothers in Christ,

The consistory of Christ Reformed Church, Sioux Falls, SD has renewed the license to exhort of Mr. Joe Hamm for one year. He is a May 2024 graduate of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. The consistory commends him to the churches for service.

For the consistory,

Mark Hoogwerf, clerk

Posted 7/10/24 at 12:32 PM CST
By Christ United Reformed Church, Santee CA, Rev. William Godfrey, (760) 807-0897

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

The Consistory of Christ United Reformed Church, Santee, is pleased to announce the licensure examination of Mr. Shon Barrett, a student at Westminster Seminary California. Lord willing, the exam will take place at Christ URC in Santee, CA on Thursday, August 29 at 7 p.m. Upon sustaining his exam, Mr. Barrett will receive his license to exhort. Please pray for Mr. Barrett as he prepares for his examination.  

We are making this announcement pursuant to our Church Order, Appendix 2 so that we can provide "opportunity for other Consistories to render observation and/or objections." To that end, we also wanted to inform the federation that Mr. Barrett is in a candidacy program for chaplaincy in the U.S. Navy. Therefore, we face the possibility that his orders from the Navy may change, forcing us to adjust the date of his exam accordingly. So if you think your Consistory would like to send observers to this exam, please contact us so that we can keep you informed in the event we have to make a change. Thank you in advance for your consideration regarding these somewhat unique circumstances. 

Every blessing,
Rev. William C. Godfrey
for the Consistory of Christ URC (Santee, CA)

Posted 7/9/24 at 01:33 PM CST
By Providence Reformed Church of Winnipeg, Rev. Richard Anjema (204) 669-3185

The Consistory of Providence Reformed Church of Winnipeg wishes to inform the federation that we have extended Mr. Bryce Klassen’s license to exhort for another year, effective August 30, 2024. 

Posted 7/6/24 at 07:46 AM CST
By Parkland United Reformed Church of Ponoka, Vacant (403) 783-1888

As previously posted, we are thankful the Rev James Folkerts has accepted the call from Parkland Reformed Church of Ponoka, AB. We are pleased to inform you that Rev Folkerts will be installed, Lord willing, August 16, 2024 as Minister of the Word and Sacrament of Parkland Reformed Church with the participation of Rev William VanderWoerd, Rev Henry VanOlst, and Rev Fred Folkerts. 

Posted 7/3/24 at 09:41 AM CST
By Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, Vacant, (905) 574 5527

The Council of Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, ON, with thankfulness to the Lord, wishes to inform the churches of the Federation of the call extended to Reverend Rich Anjema of Providence Reformed Church in Winnipeg, MB to serve as minister of Preaching and Teaching. Please keep Rev Anjema, his wife Cher and their family in prayer as he considers the call extended to him.  We pray that the Lord would make it clear where He would have Rev Anjema serve at this time. 

Posted 6/26/24 at 10:52 PM CST
By Parkland United Reformed Church of Ponoka, Vacant (403) 783-1888

Dear Brothers in Christ, 

For the last four and a half years, the congregation of the Parkland United Reformed Church has been blessed with the preaching of Rev. William Van der Woerd 3 out of every four weeks.  We are filled with gratitude for the blessing he has been to our congregation during these years of vacancy. 

Rev. Van der Woerd has fed us through faithfully bringing God’s word to us and has a unique way of speaking to all ages without singling anyone out; while simultaneously delivering a message that both our oldest and our youngest members understand and has aided in the increase in our congregation’s knowledge of our Lord and Savior.  Through his preaching, our congregation has experienced increased spiritual health, engagement, and we’ve been fed and encouraged to grow in our faith.   

He started praying for every family in our church individually and this has also challenged our consistory to better fulfill our calling and connection to the flock through this process by adding additional touch points with each member in our respective districts. 

Now, Rev. Van der Woerd is open to new opportunities.  As our vacancy is now filled, we gratefully want to reach out to as many churches as possible on his behalf that may also benefit from his willingness to fill in for a vacancy, sabbatical or even a call to be a minister of the word and sacraments.   

We know that there are many churches in our federation that have vacancies or may even have their ministers pondering sabbatical or requiring assistance for a period of time for any number of reasons.  Even though Rev. Van der Woerd has Emeritus status, he has expressed a strong desire to continue to serve God and His Church for the next number of years. Whether it is interim support through vacancy or covering a 6–12 month sabbatical, or potentially a call back to full-time ministry, Reverend Van der Woerd is willing and able to fill a pastoral role anywhere in North America that is in need.   

Consistories considering Rev. Van der Woerd are asked to also consider the URCNA Church Order (Ninth Edition) that states:  

Article 10 – Support and Emeritation of Ministers  

Each church is to provide honorably for the minister of the Word and his family while he is serving that church and should contribute toward the retirement and disability needs of its minister. In the event of a minister’s death, adequate provision shall be made for the support of his dependent wife and children.  

This portion of Article 10 guides us in honoring our commitment to these men who are willing to be ministers of the Word and Sacraments, ensuring their physical well-being. 

For Relocation and Housing: 

  • Each church would be responsible for providing adequate support to the minister of the Word and his family while he serves that church. 

Financial Support: 

  • The prorated full-time salary should reflect the commitment period to that specific congregation. Our Consistory would suggest, based on cost of living in our region that the remuneration be approximately $150,000+/- per year which includes a salary, housing allowance, RRSP contribution, health and dental benefits, car allowance, resource material allowance, subscription allowance, one set day off per week and paid vacation for longer appointments. 

  • If Rev. Van der Woerd was to await his next call after serving a particular church, that church would be responsible to continue to provide financial support for any time gaps that may develop between serving another church.  Without this commitment to this financial support, the temporary appointment option would not be viable from a financial aspect. 

If your consistory is interested in discussing Rev. Van der Woerd’s desire to serve or the commitments outlined above, we would encourage you to please contact him at 1-780-978-5467 or via email at [email protected].  

In Christ, 

The Consistory of the Parkland United Reformed Church in Ponoka, Alberta, Canada. 

Posted 6/26/24 at 02:47 PM CST
By United Reformed Church of PEI, Vacant, (902) 629-1755

The Council of the United Reformed Church of Prince Edward Island wishes to inform the churches of our Federation that we have extended a call to Rev. Daniel Hamstra of Trinity United Reformed Church in St. Catharines, ON, to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please keep Rev. Hamstra and his wife, Elizabeth, in prayer as he considers the call extended to him. May the Lord grant him clarity as to where the Lord would have him serve at this time.

Posted 6/26/24 at 12:17 PM CST
By Bethel United Reformed Church of Woodstock, Rev. James Sinke, (519) 290-1394 & Andrea

Throughout the summer, worship services will be held at the Mitchell Community Centre (185 Wellington St. Mitchell ON). Services will begin at the new location on Sunday July 7. On July 14, and September 1, the Community Centre will be unavailable. A location for these worship services is to be determined.

Posted 6/12/24 at 08:29 PM CST
By Living Water Reformed Church of Brantford, Rev. Greg Bylsma (226) 388-0468 & Charity

Dear Brothers,

With thankfulness to the Lord, Brother Bruce DeVisser has sustained his Candidacy exam and been declared a Candidate for ministry in the United Reformed Churches of North America.  We heartily recommend him to the Churches. He can be reached at [email protected] or (519) 222-2930

On behalf of LWRC Consistory

Rob Verloop, Clerk 

Posted 6/11/24 at 06:36 PM CST
By Cornerstone United Reformed Church of London, Rev. Steve Williamson (226) 270-5583 & Amy

Dear Brothers in Christ,

The Consistory of Cornerstone URC (London ON) has extended the license to exhort of Leo Joewono for another year effective June 1 2024.  Leo is attending MARS and is using his gifts for ministry during a summer internship at New Horizon with Rev. Persaud.  

Posted 6/5/24 at 12:52 PM CST
By Christ United Reformed Church, Santee CA, Rev. William Godfrey, (760) 807-0897

Dear Brothers in Christ,

The Consistory of Christ URC (Santee, CA) has extended the license to exhort of Mr. Cole Lindsay for another year. Mr. Lindsay just graduated from Westminster Seminary California this June and is pursuing candidacy in September, Lord willing. We heartily recommend him to the churches.

Every blessing,
Rev. William C. Godfrey
for the Consistory of Christ URC

Posted 5/20/24 at 09:43 PM CST
By Grace Torrance United Reformed Church, Vacant, (310) 782-7019

With joy and gratitude to our Lord the Council of Grace United Reformed Church of Torrance, CA announces the extention of a call to Rev. Brian Cochran, and the subsequent acceptance of that call by Rev. Cochran.  Please pray for Rev. Cochran and his family as they prepare for the transition to Southern California, and please pray for the Council and congregation of Rev. Cochran's current church, Redeemer Reformation Church in Regina, Saskatchewan as they prepare to seek a new pastor.

Posted 5/14/24 at 03:39 PM CST
By Christ Reformed Church, Anaheim, Rev. Dr. Daniel Borvan (714) 538-1057

In keeping with Church Order Article 3 and Appendix 2, the Consistory of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, CA will be conducting a licensure exam of Mr. John Li, who is an M.A. student at Westminster Seminary California and a member of Christ Reformed Church in good standing. The exam will take place at 900 So. Sunkist St, Anaheim, CA 92806 on Monday July 15, 2024 at 7pm.

Posted 5/13/24 at 10:33 PM CST
By Redeemer Reformation Church of Regina, Rev. Brian Cochran (306) 581-9833 & Julie

With joy and thanksgiving to God, the consistory of Redeemer Reformation Church of Regina, SK, CND, announces that Mr. Ezekiel (Zeke) McMurtry sustained his licensure examination in accordance with the Guidelines in Appendix 2 of Church Order on May 13th, 2024. He has been granted a license to exhort for one year. We heartily commend Mr. McMurtry to the churches of our federation.

Posted 5/13/24 at 10:35 AM CST
By Bellingham URC, Vacant, (360) 303-8004

It is with great joy and thankful hearts to announce Rev. Jason Vander Horst has accepted our call to serve as Minister of the Word and Sacraments at Bellingham United Reformed Church in Bellingham, Washington. Please pray for Pastor Jason, Ardis and their family during this time of transition.

On Behalf of the Council,
Tommy Rivers (Elder/Clerk)

Posted 5/11/24 at 04:11 PM CST
By First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn, Rev Harold Miller, (816) 718-1926 & Carol

The consistory of First URC of Oak Lawn examined Mr. Thomas Bell for licensure and we are very pleased to inform the Federation that he sustained his exam. 

Please pray for Thomas as he continues his studies through Mid-America Reformed Seminary with a summer assignment.

Posted 5/11/24 at 02:35 PM CST
By Bethel United Reformed Church of Calgary, Rev. Keith W. Davis (403) 973-3877 & Laura

The council of Bethel United Reformed Church of Calgary, AB, wishes to inform the URCNA churches that Rev. Jason Vander Horst has declined the call that was extended to him to serve as Co-Pastor (alongside Rev. Keith Davis). Please keep Rev. Vander Horst, his wife Ardis, and their family in prayer as he considers the other calls before him.

Posted 5/6/24 at 06:36 AM CST
By Parkland United Reformed Church of Ponoka, Vacant (403) 783-1888

With joy and thankfulness to God for all that He provides. The Council of Parkland Reformed Church in Ponoka is blessed to inform you that Rev. Folkerts has accepted our to call to serve as Minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please pray for Pastor James, Esther and their family they move into a new community and as Pastor James begins HIs work in Ponoka. 

On behalf of the Council at Parkland Reformed Church,
Scott Ingwersen

Posted 5/4/24 at 02:13 PM CST
By Christ Reformed Church of Nampa, Rev. Nick Smith (208) 466-4444 & Stefanie

Mr. Lawrence Greg Gale has sustained his licensure exam at Christ Reformed Church in Nampa, ID, and the consistory has granted him a license to exhort. Mr. Gale is a member of Christ Reformed Church and a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando). We commend him to the churches as a licensed exhorter.

Posted 5/1/24 at 12:59 PM CST
By Covenant United Reformed Church in Saskatoon, Vacant, (306) 222-8455

The Council of Covenant United Reformed Church of Saskatoon Sk, with thankfulness to the Lord, wishes to inform the churches of the Federation of the call extended to Rev. James Folkerts to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please keep Rev. Folkerts and his family in prayer as he considers the calls extended to him. We pray that the Lord would make it clear where He would have him serve at this time.

On behalf of Council
Henk Vandenbrink

Posted 5/1/24 at 12:27 PM CST
By Bellingham URC, Vacant, (360) 303-8004

The Council of Bellingham United Reformed Church of Bellingham, Washington, wishes to inform the churches of the Federation of the call that has been extended to Rev. Jason Vander Horst of Surrey Covenant Reformed Church in Surrey, BC, to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please keep Rev. Vander Horst and his family in prayer as he considers the call that has been extended to him.

On behalf of Council,
Tommy Rivers

Posted 5/1/24 at 12:25 PM CST
By Immanuel Covenant Reformed Church of Abbotsford, Aaron van der Heiden (236) 380-5491 & Karissa

The Council of the Immanuel Covenant Reformed Church in Abbotsford would like to inform the URCNA, that we have extended a call to Rev. James Folkerts to become the organizing pastor for our church plant in Armstrong, BC. Please keep Rev. Folkerts, his family and the churches that have extended him a call in prayer as he considers the calls that are before him.

On Behalf of Council,
Gary Vane

Posted 5/1/24 at 08:45 AM CST
By Parkland United Reformed Church of Ponoka, Vacant (403) 783-1888

The Council of Parkland Reformed Church in Ponoka, Alberta would like to inform the churches of the URCNA that we have extended a call to Rev. James Folkerts to serve as Minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please keep Rev. Folkerts, his family and the churches that have extended him a call in prayer as he considers the calls that are before him.

On Behalf of Council,
Scott Ingwersen

Posted 4/30/24 at 10:16 PM CST
By Bethel United Reformed Church of Calgary, Rev. Keith W. Davis (403) 973-3877 & Laura

The council of Bethel United Reformed Church of Calgary, AB, with thankfulness to the Lord, wishes to inform the URCNA churches of the call extended to Rev. Jason Vander Horst, Pastor of Surrey Covenant Reformed Church in Surrey, BC, to serve as Co-Pastor (alongside Rev. Keith Davis). Please keep Rev. Vander Horst, his wife Ardis, and their family in prayer as he considers the call.

Posted 4/22/24 at 09:15 AM CST
By Grace Reformed Church of Dunnville, Vacant (905) 774-6877

The Council of the Grace Reformed Church of Dunnville, Ontario is pleased to inform the federation that Rev. Pete Van't Hoff has accepted the call to serve as minister of the Word and sacraments. As this news comes with joy and thanksgiving to the Dunnville congregation, the federation is asked to be in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Brockville, that a man of the LORD's choosing may be brought to them in His good time.

For the Council of the Grace Reformed Church,

Ben Lindeboom

Posted 4/18/24 at 10:58 AM CST
By Redeemer Reformation Church of Regina, Rev. Brian Cochran (306) 581-9833 & Julie

The Consistory of Redeemer Reformation Church, Regina, SK, is pleased to announce the licensure examination of Mr. Ezekiel (Zeke) McMurtry, a student at Mid-America Reformed Theological Seminary. This examination will take place at Redeemer Reformation Church in Regina, SK on Monday, May 14 at 7:30 PM. Upon sustaining his exam, Mr. McMurtry will receive his license to exhort. This exam is open to visitors - we welcome you to join us. Please pray for Mr. McMurtry as he prepares for his examination.

The LORD be with you,
Elder Shane C. Williams
(On behalf of Redeemer Reformation Consistory)

Posted 4/16/24 at 08:58 PM CST
By Adoration United Reformed Church of Vineland, Rev. Bryce De Zwarte (905) 651-1580

The consistory of Adoration URC wishes to inform the federation that we have extended Mr. Eric Heida's license to exhort for another year, effective April 16, 2024. 

Posted 4/12/24 at 06:04 PM CST
By Immanuel United Reformed Church of Listowel, Vacant, (519) 998-1025

To the churches and offices of the federation of the United Reformed Churches,

Listowel Immanuel URC, now being a vacant church, has begun the task of seeking and fulfilling the Lord’s will in the matter of calling an under shepherd to guide His church. As the Consistory now begins taking up this task, we covet the prayers of the churches and its members. We humbly beseech you to carry in prayer the needs of our congregation during this time of vacancy, specifically praying for strength and perseverance for the men of our church who have been called to serve and submit to the work of the office, and pressing forward in the hope that in due time the Lord may reveal to us the man that He has chosen to serve our church as pastor and teacher of the Word.

Posted 4/10/24 at 05:45 PM CST
By Christ Reformed Church of Nampa, Rev. Nick Smith (208) 466-4444 & Stefanie

Mr. Kris Wassam has accepted the call to serve as Minister of the Word and Sacraments for Providence Reformed Church of Meridian, ID, a church plant overseen by Christ Reformed Church of Nampa, ID.

Posted 4/10/24 at 12:09 PM CST
By Faith Reformed Church of Telkwa, Rev. Kelvin Tiemstra (250) 643-8950 & Emily

The Consistory of Faith Reformed Church of Telkwa wishes to inform the federation that we have extended Mr. Michael Wall's license to exhort for another year, effective January 18, 2024. 

Posted 4/10/24 at 10:00 AM CST
By First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn, Rev Harold Miller, (816) 718-1926 & Carol

In keeping with Church Order Article 3 and Appendix 2 the consistory of Oak Lawn wishes to inform the Federation of our intention to exam Mr. Thomas Bell for Licensure on May 7. Thomas is a second-year student at Mid-America Reformed Seminary and transferrerd membership to Oak Lawn from Covenant Kansas City where he was a member in good standing and duly licensed to exhort.

Posted 4/9/24 at 05:50 PM CST
By Grace Reformed Church of Dunnville, Vacant (905) 774-6877

Dear Brothers in Christ, 

With thankfulness to the Lord, the Council of the Grace Reformed Church of Dunnville, Ontario, wishes to inform the churches of the Federation of the call that has been extended to Rev. Pete Van't Hoff of Bethel United Reformed Church in Brockville, Ontario, to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please keep Rev. Van't Hoff  and his family in prayer as he considers the call that has been extended to him.

On behalf of Council,
Ben Lindeboom

Posted 4/5/24 at 12:28 PM CST
By Christ Reformed Church of Nampa, Rev. Nick Smith (208) 466-4444 & Stefanie

In accordance with Church Order Article 3 and Appendix 2, the consistory of Christ Reformed Church in Nampa, ID will be conducting a licensure exam of Mr. Lawrence Greg Gale. The exam will be conducted at Christ Reformed Church (12693 Orchard Ave., Nampa, ID) on Saturday, May 4, at 11 AM. Mr. Gale is a member of our congregation and a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando).

Posted 4/2/24 at 03:43 PM CST
By Christ Reformed Church of Nampa, Rev. Nick Smith (208) 466-4444 & Stefanie

The council of Christ Reformed Church in Nampa, ID has extended a call to Mr. Kris Wassam to serve as Minister of the Word and Sacraments for Providence Reformed Church, our church plant in Meridian, ID.

Posted 3/29/24 at 10:59 AM CST
By Covenant Reformed Church of Pella, Rev. Greg Lubbers (641) 780-3821 & Jennifer

Per Article 3 and Appendix 2 of the Church Order, the Consistory of Covenant Reformed Church - Pella, Iowa informs the churches of the federation that they have extended Mr. Daniel Hofland's licensure to exhort for another year. Mr. Hofland can be reached at [email protected]

Posted 3/28/24 at 08:16 AM CST
By Zion United Reformed Church of Sheffield, Rev. Al Bezuyen (519) 624-9416 & Sanya

The Consistory of the Zion United Reformed Church of Sheffield, Ontario, wishes to inform the federation that we have extended Mr. Alexander Proudfoot’s license to exhort for another year, effective March 20, 2024.

Posted 3/22/24 at 09:08 PM CST
By Cornerstone United Reformed Church of Sanborn, Rev. Dan Donovan (712) 729-5366 & Karin

The Consistory of Cornerstone URC (Sanborn, IA) wishes to inform the Federation that Mr. Elijah Anderson sustained his Ordination Exam at the recent meeting of Classis Central U.S. in Pella, IA (March 18-19). The Classis subsequently declared Mr. Anderson "eligible to be ordained as a minister of the Word and sacraments among the United Reformed Churches in North America" (per Appendix 4.2.e.). The Ordination/Installation service for Mr. Anderson (who is called to the work of a Latino Missions Coordinator) is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Friday, April 12, 2024 at Cornerstone URC in Sanborn, IA. May the Lord bless all of these plans, as well as the missions effort our brother will be undertaking.

For the Consistory of Cornerstone URC (Sanborn, IA)
Rev. Dan Donovan, Pastor

Posted 3/21/24 at 12:41 PM CST
By Grace Reformed Bible Church, Rev. Aaron G.Verhoef (973) 383-9635 & Hannah

The council of the Newton Covenant Reformed Church, Newton, NJ, has changed our name to Grace Reformed Bible Church

Posted 3/19/24 at 07:23 AM CST
By Christ Reformed Church, Washington D.C., Rev. Brian J. Lee (202) 656-1611 & Sara

The Council of Christ Reformed Church (Washington, DC) wishes to inform the federation that they have withdrawn their oversight from Rev. Luke Gossett as Home Missionary for Birmingham, Alabama. Per Church Order Article 47, Classis Eastern U.S. gave concurring advice for this action at their meeting of March 8, 2024. Rev. Gossett is eligible for a call. It is his desire to receive a call that would allow him to resume home missionary activity with the core group in Birmingham. Please keep Rev. Gossett and his family in prayer as he pursues his next call.

Posted 3/14/24 at 03:52 PM CST
By Oceanside United Reformed Church, Rev. Dr. Daniel R. Hyde (760) 803-0981 & Karajean

The Consistory of Oceanside URC (Carlsbad/Oceanside, CA) wishes to inform the federation that Mr. Kris Wassam sustained his candidacy examination at the last meeting of Classis Southwest U.S. in the presence of his Consistory. Having received the concurring advice of the delegates to that meeting of classis, our Consistory is delighted to declare him a candidate for the office of minister of the Word. May the Lord Jesus Christ use our brother to strengthen and increase His Church.

For the Consistory of OURC,

Rev. Dr. Daniel R. Hyde

Posted 3/14/24 at 06:56 AM CST
By Covenant United Reformed Church, Byron Center MI, Vacant, (616) 591-6112

Rev. James Sinke of Bethel URC Woodstock, Ontario, Canada, has declined the call to Covenant United Reformed Church at Byron Center, Michigan. We pray that Rev. Sinke and his family will continue to be blessed and a blessing in their current Church.

Posted 3/5/24 at 11:34 AM CST
By Burlington United Reformed Church, Rev, James A Ogle, (562)276-0318 & Laura

The Consistory of the Burlington United Reformed Church of Burlington, Washington, wishes to inform the federation that we have extended Mr. Jermey Vander Lei's license to exhort for another year, effective March 22, 2024.

Rev. James Ogle

Minister of Word and Sacrament at Burlington URC

Posted 3/4/24 at 08:51 AM CST
By Grace Reformed Church of Dunnville, Vacant (905) 774-6877

The council of the Grace Reformed Church in Dunnville seeks to inform the federation that Rev. John Bouwers has declined the call that was extended to him. May the LORD continue to lead and bless him in his ministry in Brampton.

On Behalf of Council,
Ben Lindeboom

Posted 2/29/24 at 06:37 AM CST
By Grace Torrance United Reformed Church, Vacant, (310) 782-7019

With gratitude and thanks the Council of Grace United Reformed Church in Torrance, California is pleased to announce that Mr. Andrew Admiraal has accepted the call of Minister of the Word and Sacraments, to serve as Associate Pastor, Lord willing.  All praise and glory to our God for his love and faithfulness to his people!

Posted 2/26/24 at 10:06 PM CST
By Grace Torrance United Reformed Church, Vacant, (310) 782-7019

The Council of Grace United Reformed Church in Torrance, California, has extended a call to Mr. Andrew Admiraal as Minister of the Word and Sacraments.

Posted 2/13/24 at 07:23 PM CST
By Grace Reformed Church of Dunnville, Vacant (905) 774-6877

Dear Brothers in Christ, 

The Council of the Grace Reformed Church of Dunnville, Ontario, with thankfulness to the Lord wishes to inform the churches of the Federation of the call extended to Rev. John Bouwers of Hope Reformed Church in Brampton, Ontario, to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please keep Rev. Bouwers and his wife Julie in prayer as he considers the call that has been extended to him.

On behalf of Council,

Ben Lindeboom

Posted 2/9/24 at 07:57 AM CST
By Covenant United Reformed Church, Byron Center MI, Vacant, (616) 591-6112

The council of Covenant United Reformed Church at Byron Center, Michigan is informing the churches of our federation that we have extended a call to Rev. James Sinke of Bethel United Reformed Church in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada, to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please pray for James and his wife Andrea and their family as they consider this call.

Posted 2/4/24 at 05:48 PM CST
By Salem United Reformed Church of Bowmanville, Vacant, (905) 926-1692

The Council of Salem United Reformed Church in Bowmanville, Ontario would like to inform the churches of our federation that our call to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments has been declined by Rev. Ryan Swale of Immanuel United Reformed Church in Jordan, Ontario.

Posted 1/27/24 at 06:32 AM CST
By Immanuel United Reformed Church of Listowel, Vacant, (519) 998-1025

The Consistory of the Immanuel United Reformed Church of Listowel, with the concurring advice of an extraordinary meeting of Classis South Western Ontario held on January 24 2024, has granted emeritus status to Rev Ancel Merwin pursuant to Article 10 of the Church Order of the United Reformed Churches in North America.  The Consistory will continue to work with Rev. Merwin as he manages his Spiritual and health concerns, and covets the prayers of the churches for wisdom and strength for our Church and its office-bearers. 

Posted 1/25/24 at 06:13 AM CST
By Cornerstone United Reformed Church of Sanborn, Rev. Dan Donovan (712) 729-5366 & Karin

With thanks to the Lord, the Consistory of Cornerstone URC (Sanborn, IA) is happy to let the churches of the Federation know that Candidate Elijah Anderson has accepted the call to serve as the Latino Missions Coordinator for a Latino Missions Effort in Northwest Iowa. Mr. Anderson will have an Ordination Exam at the upcoming meeting of Classis Central U.S. (March 18-19); and upon sustaining that exam, DV, he will be ordained to the ministry and begin the work to which he has been called. Please join us in giving thanks to the Lord for this development... and keep Elijah in your prayers as he prepares for his Ordination Exam.

Posted 1/18/24 at 01:12 PM CST
By Faith Reformed Church of Telkwa, Rev. Kelvin Tiemstra (250) 643-8950 & Emily

The council of the Faith Reformed Church of Telkwa announces that Pastor James Folkerts is available for call as of May 1st when his sabbatical wraps up. Pastor James is currently in the second half of his sabbatical after serving a 4-year term with the OPC in Uganda. We request that interested churches wait until Feb 21st to make inquiries. He can be contacted at [email protected]. Thank you for your consideration. 

Posted 1/10/24 at 09:53 PM CST
By Salem United Reformed Church of Bowmanville, Vacant, (905) 926-1692

The Council of Salem United Reformed Church in Bowmanville, Ontario would like to inform the churches of our federation that we have extended a call to Rev. Ryan Swale of Immanuel United Reformed Church in Jordan, Ontario to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please keep Rev. Swale and his family in prayer as he considers the two calls that are before him.

Posted 1/9/24 at 11:20 PM CST
By The United Reformed Church of Sunnyside, Vacant (509) 728-5008

The Council of the URC of Sunnyside would like to inform the churches of the federation that Rev. Jeffrey Karel (former associate pastor of Covenant Reformed Church in Missoula, MT) has accepted the call to serve as our Minister. His installation date is still TBA.

Posted 1/3/24 at 02:30 PM CST
By United Reformed Church of PEI, Vacant, (902) 629-1755

The Council of the United Reformed Church of Prince Edward Island wishes to inform the federation that the call extended to Rev. Keith Davis was declined.  We wish him the Lord's blessing as he continues his work in the Bethel Reformed Church in Calgary, AB.

Posted 1/3/24 at 02:06 PM CST
By Emmanuel Reformed Church of Neerlandia, Vacant, (780) 674-4229

With thanks to the Lord, the council of Emmanuel Reformed Church, Barrhead, Alberta, Canada, is pleased to announce that brother Matthew Van der Woerd has accepted our call to serve as Minister of Word and Sacraments. Lord willing the Ordination service for Mr. Van der Woerd will be held on Thursday, February 15 at 7:30 PM. All who are able are invited to join us for this joyous occasion.

For the Council of ERCN

Kevin Tiemstra, Clerk 

Posted 1/1/24 at 09:51 PM CST
By Immanuel Covenant Reformed Church of Abbotsford, Aaron van der Heiden (236) 380-5491 & Karissa

The Council of the Immanuel Covenant Reformed Church of Abbotsford, BC, wishes to inform the federation that Rev. Keith Davis has declined our call to serve as the organizing pastor of the Providence church plant in Armstrong, BC. We wish Rev. Davis the Lord's blessing as he continues his ministry at Bethel URC in Calgary and pray for His guidance as we continue our search.

Posted 12/30/23 at 07:43 PM CST
By Grace Reformed Church of Jersey City, Rev. Samuel Perez (917) 204-1775 & Emily

With thanksgiving to our God, we announce that Grace Reformed Church of Jersey City was organized under the supervision of Messiah's Reformed Church and with concurring advice of Classis Eastern U.S., on September 30, 2023, as a member congregation of the United Reformed Churches of North America.

Rev. Samuel Perez was installed as minister of the Word and Sacraments, and Mr. Andre Alves and Mr. Alfredo Rodriguez as elders.

As we finish another year the Lord has given us, we rejoice in His gracious provision.

May the LORD bless you,

Consistory of Grace Reformed Church of Jersey City

Posted 12/27/23 at 01:32 PM CST
By Bethel United Reformed Church of Woodstock, Rev. James Sinke, (519) 290-1394 & Andrea

The Council of the Bethel United Reformed Church of Woodstock, ON, wishes to inform the federation that Rev. James Sinke has declined the call received from the Dunnville West Canadian Reformed Church. 

Posted 12/27/23 at 09:13 AM CST
By Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, Vacant, (905) 574 5527

The Council of the Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, ON, wishes to inform the federation that Rev. John van Eyk has declined our call to serve as our Minister of Preaching and Teaching.  We wish Rev. van Eyk the Lord's blessing as he continues his ministry at Trinity URC in Lethbridge and pray for His guidance as we continue to our search.

Posted 12/21/23 at 03:29 PM CST
By Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church Pompton Plains, Rev. Justin Nobel 973-835-4784 & Nicole

With joy and thanksgiving to God, the consistory of Poconos Reformed Bible Church of East Stroudsburg, PA , announces that Mr. Nick Costanzo sustained his licensure examination in accordance with the Guidelines in Appendix 2 of Church Order on December 21, 2023. He has been granted a license to exhort for one year. We heartily commend Mr. Costanzo to the churches of our federation.

Rev. Justin Nobel

On behalf of Rev. Rich Kuiken and the Poconos Reformed Bible Church

Posted 12/19/23 at 06:12 PM CST
By United Reformed Church of PEI, Vacant, (902) 629-1755

The Council of the United Reformed Church of Prince Edward Island wishes to inform the churches of our Federation that we have extended a call to Rev. Keith Davis of Bethel Reformed Church in Calgary, AB to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please keep Rev. Davis and his wife Laura in prayer as he considers the call extended to him. May the Lord grant him clarity as to where the Lord would have him serve at this time.

Posted 12/12/23 at 02:10 PM CST
By Immanuel Covenant Reformed Church of Abbotsford, Aaron van der Heiden (236) 380-5491 & Karissa

The council of Immanual Covenant Reformed Church of Abbotsford, BC, with thankfulness to the Lord, wishes to inform URCNA churches of the call extended to Rev. Keith Davis of Bethel Reformed Church in Calgary, AB, to serve as the organizing pastor of the Providence Covenant Reformed church plant in Armstrong, BC.  Please keep Rev. Davis, his wife Laura, and their family in prayer as he considers the call.  

Posted 12/11/23 at 01:00 PM CST
By Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church Pompton Plains, Rev. Justin Nobel 973-835-4784 & Nicole

The Consistory of Poconos Reformed Bible Church, East Stroudsburg, PA, is pleased to announce the licensure examination of Mr. Nick Costanzo, a student at Reformed Theological Seminary Charlotte. This examination will take place at Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church in Pompton Plains, NJ on Thursday, December 21 at 10:00 AM. Upon sustaining his exam, Mr. Costanzo will receive his license to exhort. This exam is open to visitors - we welcome you to join us. Please pray for Mr. Costanzo as he prepares for his examination.

In His Service,
Rev. Justin Nobel
(On behalf of Rev. RIch Kuiken and Poconos Reformed Bible Church)

Posted 11/29/23 at 08:49 AM CST
By Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, Vacant, (905) 574 5527

The Council of Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, ON, with thankfulness to the Lord, wishes to inform the churches of the Federation of the call extended to Reverend John van Eyk of Trinity United Reformed Church in Lethbridge, AB, to serve as minister of Preaching and Teaching. Please keep Rev van Eyk, his wife Lucy and their family in prayer as he considers the call extended to him.  We pray that the Lord would make it clear where He would have him serve at this time. 

Posted 10/23/23 at 08:04 AM CST
By Covenant United Reformed Church, Byron Center MI, Vacant, (616) 591-6112

Mr. Matthew Van der Woerd of Telkwa, British Columbia, has declined the call to Covenant United Reformed Church at Byron Center, Michigan. We pray that Mr. Van der Woerd and his family will seek the Lord's comfort and strength during this time as they transistion to their accepted call to Emmanuel Reformed Church of Neerlandia, Alberta.

Posted 10/20/23 at 08:45 AM CST
By Westside Reformed Church of Cincinnati, Rev. Zachary Wyse (513) 519-2357 & KC

With the concurrence of Classis Eastern U.S., the council of Westside Reformed Church (Cincinnati, OH) announces that its associate pastor, Rev. Brandon Burks, has accepted their call to serve as a Home Missionary to Northern Kentucky with the goal of planting a church in the city of Florence. He will begin core group development (“Phase 2”) labors on January 1, 2024. Join us in prayer for him and in giving thanks to the Lord for raising up another church planter and for those souls that are already involved in this fledgling work. May God grant growth!

Posted 10/18/23 at 10:13 PM CST
By Christ Reformed Church Sioux Falls, Rev. Benjamin Davenport (605) 330-0271 & Angela

With thanks to the Lord, the Council of Christ Reformed Church in Sioux Falls, SD is pleased to announce that brother Kirk Gibbons has accepted our call to serve as Minister of Word and Sacraments alongside Rev. Benjamin Davenport. Lord willing, the ordination service for Mr. Gibbons will be held on Thursday, November 9 at 7:00 PM. All who are able are invited to join us for this joyous occasion.

For the Council of Christ Reformed Church,

Mark Hoogwerf, Clerk

Posted 10/17/23 at 08:37 AM CST
By Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, Vacant, (905) 574 5527

The Council of the Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, ON, wishes to inform the federation that Rev. Keith Davis has declined our call to serve as our Minister of Preaching and Teaching .  We wish Rev. Davis the Lord's blessing as he continues his ministry at Bethel URC in Calgary and pray for His guidance as we continue to our search.

Posted 10/16/23 at 07:16 PM CST
By Emmanuel Reformed Church of Neerlandia, Vacant, (780) 674-4229

With thanks to the Lord, the council of Emmanuel Reformed Church of Neerlandia, Alberta, is pleased to announce that Candidate Matthew Van der Woerd has accepted our call to serve as Minister of Word and Sacraments.

Posted 10/14/23 at 08:45 PM CST
By Bellingham URC, Vacant, (360) 303-8004

Mr. Matthew Van der woerd of Telkwa, British Columbia, has declined the call to Bellingham URC, Washington. We wish Mr. Van der woerd our Lord's richest blessings as he follows God's leading. Please pray for the vacancies within our federation, that the Lord would provide for them undershepherds of His choosing in due time.

Posted 10/13/23 at 09:12 AM CST
By Salem United Reformed Church of Bowmanville, Vacant, (905) 926-1692

The Council of Salem United Reformed Church in Bowmanville, Ontario would like to inform the churches of our federation that our call to serve as minister of the Word.has been declined by Rev. Tim Bergsma of Living Hope Free Reformed Church in Chatham, Ontario.

Posted 10/11/23 at 08:20 AM CST
By Immanuel Fellowship Church of Kalamazoo, Rev. William Boekestein (616) 690-2948 & Amy

The Consistory of Immanuel Fellowship Church in Kalamazoo, MI is pleased to announce that Joel Haan has sustained his licensure examination and is available to exhort in our churches. Joel can be reached at [email protected].

Posted 10/7/23 at 10:48 AM CST
By Christ United Reformed Church, Santee CA, Rev. William Godfrey, (760) 807-0897

The Consistory of Christ URC (Santee, CA) wishes to inform the federation that Mr. Drew Admiraal sustained his candidacy examination at the last meeting of Classis Southwest U.S. in the presence of his Consistory. Having received the concurring advice of the delegates to that meeting of classis, our Consistory is delighted to declare him a candidate for the office of minister of the Word. May the Lord Jesus Christ use our brother to strengthen and increase His Church.

For the Consistory of CURC,

Rev. William C. Godfrey

Posted 10/6/23 at 05:22 PM CST
By Covenant Christian Church, Rev. Tsjibbe deJong

The Council of the Covenant Christian Church of Wyoming, ON along with the Hope Centre in Brampton, wishes to inform the federation that the call to the Hope Centre, extended to Rev. Gary Zekveld was declined.  We wish him the Lord's blessing as he continues his labour of love in New Westminster URC in Vancouver

Posted 10/6/23 at 05:12 PM CST
By Christ Reformed Church, Anaheim, Vacant (714) 538-1057

On August 28, 2023, it was announced that Rev. Dr. Daniel Borvan of Grace URC in Torrance, CA, had accepted the call to be Pastor of Preaching at Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, CA. We are pleased to announce that on September 29, 2023, Rev. Borvan was installed as Minister of Word and Sacrament of Christ Reformed Church, with the participation of Rev. Dr. Michael Horton, Rev. Dr. Daniel Hyde, Rev. Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Rev. Brad Lenzner, and Rev. Yi Wang.

Posted 10/4/23 at 12:08 PM CST
By Covenant United Reformed Church, Byron Center MI, Vacant (616) 890-5950

The council of Covenant United Reformed Church at Byron Center, Michigan is informing the churches of our federation that we have extended a call to candidate Matthew Van der woerd of Telkwa, BC, Canada, to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please pray for Matthew and his wife Cari and their family as they consider the calls that have been extended to Matthew.

Posted 9/28/23 at 07:50 PM CST
By Christ Reformed Church Sioux Falls, Rev. Benjamin Davenport (605) 330-0271 & Angela

With thankfulness to the Lord, Christ Reformed Church of Sioux Falls, SD, has extended a call to candidate Kirk Gibbons to serve as Minister of the Word and Sacraments. We pray that God will bless brother Gibbons as he considers this call and how God may be glorified through his service.

For the Council,

Mark Hoogwerf, Clerk

Posted 9/27/23 at 10:41 PM CST
By Salem United Reformed Church of Bowmanville, Vacant, (905) 926-1692

The Council of Salem United Reformed Church in Bowmanville, Ontario would like to inform the churches of our federation that we have extended a call to Rev. Tim Bergsma of Living Hope Free Reformed Church in Chatham, Ontario to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please keep Rev. Bergsma and his family in prayer as he considers the two calls that are now before him.

Posted 9/26/23 at 02:54 PM CST
By Gig Harbor United Reformed Church, Rev. Caleb Janson (218) 316-4409 & McKenzie

With joy and thanksgiving to the Lord, Gig Harbor URC announces its organization as a particularized congregation within the URCNA. This past Lord's Day, our planting pastor, Rev. Caleb Janson, was installed as the Minister of the Word and Sacraments of GHURC. 


The GHURC Consistory

Posted 9/21/23 at 08:44 AM CST
By Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, Vacant, (905) 574 5527

The Council of Rehoboth United Reformed Church of Hamilton, ON, with Thankfulness to the Lord, wishes to inform the churches of the Federation of the call extended to Reverend Keith Davis of Bethel United Reformed Church of Calgary, AB, to serve as minister of Preaching and Teaching. Please keep Rev Davis, his wife Laura and their family in prayer as he considers the call extended to him.  We pray that the Lord would make it clear where He would have him serve at this time. 

Posted 9/20/23 at 07:46 AM CST
By Emmanuel Reformed Church of Neerlandia, Vacant, (780) 674-4229

The Council of Emmanuel Reformed Church of Neerlandia, Alberta with thankfulness to the Lord wishes to inform the federation of our call extended to Matthew Van der Woerd of Telkwa, B.C., to serve as minister of the Word and Sacraments. Please keep Matthew Van der Woerd and his family in your prayers as he considers this call and where the Lord would have him serve.

On behalf of council,
Kevin Tiemstra
Clerk of ERCN

Posted 9/13/23 at 09:44 PM CST
By Christ Reformed Church Sioux Falls, Rev. Benjamin Davenport (605) 330-0271 & Angela

With joy and thanksgiving to God, the consistory of Christ Reformed Church of Sioux Falls, SD reports that Mr. Kirk Gibbons, a graduate of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, has sustained his candidacy exam conducted at the meeting of Classis Central US held on September 11 and 12 at Redeemer URC in Orange City, Iowa. The consistory declares Kirk Gibbons a candidate eligible for call to the office of Minister of the Word and Sacraments and hear