Hand following Bible text with forefinger URCNA Missions Conference 2025

1996 Synod - Cover Letter To Publications / Articles - 1996 Synod - Cover Letter

Posted 6/29/07

Cover Letter for the Agenda for the First Synod, United Reformed Churches in North America
September 12, 1996
Esteemed Brothers;

At the meeting of Independent Reformed Churches held on November 15 & 16, 1995 at the Christian Reformed Church (Independent) of Lynwood, Illinois, the following minute was adopted;
That the three consistories/councils (Lethbridge, Wellandport, Wyoming, MI) calling this meeting be commissioned to call a second meeting within twelve months for the purpose of effecting a permanent ecclesiastical organization (incorporated) and the determination of a structure according to which such a federation would conduct its mutual affairs.

During the past ten months much has taken place. The three councils who called the November, 1995 meeting have been involved in fulfilling their respective mandates. Committee meetings have been held, phone calls have been made and attorneys have been consulted. We regret that not as much has been accomplished as we had hoped. This is due to the fact that we found along the way that the assignment given to us was much more complicated than we at first realized.

The agenda includes four names submitted by the churches of the Fellowship which have been cleared through the Office of Federal Trademark. We ask that your delegates be authorized and prepared to vote for one of them.

Our attorneys (one in Canada and one in the States) have a good working relationship and are seeking to finalize a structure for the Federation which
will be workable and acceptable to all our churches. We hope to send a copy of the recommended structure to you before our October meeting.

Not all churches have included a check for registration with their credentials. If your church has not paid the registration fee ($25.00 U.S. per
delegate), please take care of this matter as soon as possible.

This upcoming meeting is a crucial one of historic significance. Let us unite in prayer for the blessing of God that the organization of our Federation may be for the advancement of His Kingdom and the glory of His Name.
/s/ Rev. Arthur Besteman, Acting Clerk