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Publications / Articles

Church Order

Church Order URCNA Ninth Edition [Ratified 2023] – Posted 5/5/23
URCNA Church Order 9th Ed. [Ratified 2023]

Ninth Edition of the Church Order of the United Reformed Churches in North America.

Adopted at Synod Niagara 2022 and ratified by the Churches of the Federation.

Synodical Decisions

This index catalogs specific Synodical Decisions as directed by Synod Niagara 2022.

Index of Synodical Decisions – Posted 10/20/22

Pastoral Advice

Pastoral Advice is Synod’s application of the Scriptures and the Confessions to particular circumstances in the life of the churches. Pastoral Advice expresses the collective wisdom of synod to guide the churches in their pastoral care.
Pastoral Advice should be received with respect. It would be unwise to disregard Pastoral Advice in preaching or writing. It may not however, serve as grounds in matters of discipline.
Pastoral Advice may be appealed as outlined in Church Order Articles 29 and 31

Pastoral Advice – Posted 7/22/24

Regulations for Synodical Procedure

Regulations for Synodical Procedure [2022] – Posted 5/5/23

Aug 2023 uploaded corrected version from Stated Clerk.

Minutes & Acts of Synod

Acts of Synod 2022 – Posted 1/11/23
Synod Niagara 2022
Acts of Synod 2018 – Posted 12/30/18
Synod Wheaton 2018
Acts of Synod 2016 – Posted 10/27/17
Synod Wyoming 2016
Acts of Synod 2014 – Posted 4/7/15
Synod Visalia 2014
Acts of Synod 2012 – Posted 2/8/13
Synod Nyack 2012

Note Addendum below.

Acts of Synod 2012 Addendum 1 – Posted 4/22/13
Synod Nyack 2012 Addendum

Note: include in all copies of Acts of Synod 2012.

Acts of Synod 2010 – Posted 4/14/11
Synod London 2010
Acts of Synod 2007 – Posted 10/6/07
Synod Schererville 2007
Acts of Synod 2004 – Posted 6/29/07
Synod Calgary 2004
Acts of Synod 2001 – Posted 6/29/07
Synod Escondido 2001
Acts of Synod 1999 – Posted 6/29/07
Synod Hudsonville 1999
Acts of Synod 1997 – Posted 6/29/07
Synod St. Catharines 1997
Acts of Synod 1996 – Posted 6/29/07
Synod Lynwood 1996

Synodical Agendas

Historical tems in this category may require logging in. The Agenda for any Synod is substantially included in the Acts of that Synod, above.

2024 Synod Agenda – Posted 4/5/24
2024 Provisional Agenda Rev. 2

Updated 15 April 2024.

Updated 31 May 2024

Synodical Press Releases

Press Releases listed in BOLD were submitted as document files (typically PDF) and link to a file name such as pub12345_1.pdf. All other Press Releases were submitted as text files and can be read, copied, or printed directly from the site; no separate file is listed or available.


Synod 2022 Press Releases – Posted 12/8/22

Historical Documents

1996 Synod - Cover Letter – Posted 6/29/07
First Synod, October 1-2, 1996 held at the Lynwood Christian Reformed Church (Independent), Lynwood, Illinois.
1996 Synod - Our Covenant and Resolve – Posted 6/29/07
Cover Letter for Minutes of the November 1995 Meeting of the Independent Reformed Churches – Posted 10/25/19
Cover Letter for Minutes of the November 1995 Meeting of the Independent Reformed Churches
1995 Organizational Meeting Minutes – Posted 9/22/08

Other Publications / Articles

Marriage Affirmations (Synod 2018) – Posted 6/20/18
Marriage Affirmations (Synod 2018)